1. Interpretation

In these conditions, "work" refers to the goods and services (including any installment or parts thereof) that Belvic Group Ltd is to supply in accordance with these conditions.

2. Sole Contract Terms

All quotations are made and all orders for goods and services issued by Belvic Group Ltd are accepted subject to these conditions, which form the entire agreement between the parties. These conditions prevail notwithstanding any unilateral variation by the customer. Any variations in the customer's documentation are unacceptable unless accepted in writing and signed by an authorized Director of Belvic Group Ltd.

3. Price and Order Variation

Quotations are based on customer-provided information and Belvic Group Ltd's current production costs. Each quotation is valid for 30 days from the date of issue. Belvic Group Ltd reserves the right to amend quotations at any time after acceptance if the customer changes the specification or supplies additional information, or to meet any rise or fall in production costs.
All prices are ex-works unless otherwise agreed in writing. All quoted prices exclude VAT, which will be charged where applicable, along with any other relevant taxes, duties, or royalties.

4. Preliminary Work

All work requested by the customer, whether experimental or otherwise, shall be charged and paid for on demand or in advance if required. A charge will be made for additional work if the supplied copy is not clear, legible, or in a format suitable for production. All proofs must be approved and signed by the customer. No liability is incurred by Belvic Group Ltd for errors not corrected by the customer on proofs. Customer alterations and additional proofs will incur extra charges.

5. Refusal to Accept Work

Belvic Group Ltd reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any work at any time, even after prior acceptance, without liability to the customer, who will be liable for partially completed work on a pro-rata basis. The company's employees or agents are not authorized to make representations concerning the work unless confirmed in writing by an authorized signatory.

6. Copyright and Trademark Protection

The customer is responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions to reproduce images, artwork, and other materials. The customer warrants that the materials supplied do not infringe on any third-party rights and indemnifies Belvic Group Ltd against all liabilities arising from such infringement.

7. Deposit, Delivery, and Payment

A non-refundable 50% deposit is required from customers without an authorized credit account, payable on order confirmation.
Authorized credit account customers must pay within 30 days of the invoice date unless otherwise agreed. Overdue accounts will incur charges as detailed in Schedule A.
Delivery is the customer's responsibility unless otherwise agreed in writing. Belvic Group Ltd is not liable for delays in delivery. Expedited delivery may incur extra charges, advised in advance.
Belvic Group Ltd may require payment in advance for certain work, especially for international customers.

8. Completion Dates

Completion dates are not guaranteed. If an expedited completion date is paid for but not met through no fault of the customer, Belvic Group Ltd's liability is limited to refunding the additional charge.

9. Variations in Quantity

Deliveries may vary by up to 10% for orders up to 10,000 units and by 5% for larger orders. Excess or shortage will be charged or deducted accordingly.

10. Claims

Claims must be made in writing within 7 days of delivery or within a reasonable time for hidden defects. Non-delivery queries must be made within 14 days of the invoice date.

11. Liability

Belvic Group Ltd excludes all representations, guarantees, and warranties unless expressly stated. Liability for defective work is limited to rectifying the defect, replacing the work, or crediting the invoice price. Belvic Group Ltd's liability does not exceed the invoice price.

12. Suitability of Goods

The customer must ensure goods are suitable for their intended use, especially for food, drugs, or other sensitive products. Belvic Group Ltd is not liable for any adverse effects.

13. Standing Materials

Materials used by Belvic Group Ltd remain its property unless otherwise agreed. Customer-supplied materials remain the customer's property. Materials are retained for two years unless otherwise arranged.

14. Customer's Property

Customer property in Belvic Group Ltd's possession is at the customer's risk. The customer should insure accordingly. Belvic Group Ltd charges for storage before order receipt or after work completion notification.

15. Materials Supplied by the Customer

Belvic Group Ltd may reject unsuitable customer-supplied materials. Additional costs due to unsuitable materials during production may be charged.

16. Sub-contracting

Belvic Group Ltd may subcontract any part of the work without notice unless otherwise agreed in writing.

17. Data Protection

Customer information and job files are stored for accounting and production purposes. Files will be removed upon written request after full payment, unless required for legal or accounting reasons.

18. Insolvency

If the customer cannot pay their debts, Belvic Group Ltd may cease work and charge for completed work. Belvic Group Ltd has a lien on customer property for unpaid debts and may dispose of it after 14 days' notice.

19. Illegal Matter

Belvic Group Ltd will not reproduce illegal, libelous, or infringing materials and is indemnified by the customer against related claims.

20. Full Colour Printing

Exact color reproduction cannot be guaranteed. Customers requiring specific color standards must request a machine proof at an additional charge.

21. Colour Matching

Special color mixes are not guaranteed to match exactly on repeat orders. Pantone colors are recommended for accurate matching. Machine proofs are available at an extra cost.

22. Machine-readable Codes

Belvic Group Ltd prints machine-readable codes as specified by the customer. The customer must ensure codes work with their intended equipment and indemnifies Belvic Group Ltd against related claims.

23. Force Majeure

Belvic Group Ltd is not liable for non-performance due to circumstances beyond its control, including acts of God, war, fire, and strikes. The customer may terminate the contract in writing and pay for work done and materials used.

24. Law

This Agreement is governed by English law.

25. Notice

Notices must be in writing and addressed to the registered office of the other party.

26. Arbitration

Disputes are referred to arbitration by a single arbitrator appointed by agreement or nominated by the National Council of The British Association for Print and Communication.

27. Severance

If any provision is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions remain effective.

Schedule A

Payment terms are 30 days from the invoice date, except for postage, which is 7 days. Overdue invoices incur a £50.00 administration charge and may be passed to collection agents, with all costs added to the account. Interest and collection costs may be charged in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35/EC.
For further information, please visit our website or contact us at t&c@printox.co.uk.